Feminist Collective of Romani Gender Experts
We are a transnational network of Romani women who aim to empower our peers through networking, knowledge sharing and building professional capacity.
The idea of the Collective was born after a significant experience with a high-level European meeting that focused on Roma and Traveller women. As Roma women with a lot of knowledge and professional experiences to share, we found ourselves in a tokenized position where our voices were not heard even though the space was supposedly created for us.
This pivotal moment led us to reflect and discuss our positions and challenges as Roma women gender professionals, which eventually resulted in launching the Collective in October 2022.
One of the main issues that connected us, was the negative experiences related to employment opportunities in the field of gender equality. We witnessed how non-Roma peers with the same or even less educational and professional experience, got better job opportunities than us.
The reality of inequality and discrimination to which Roma women are subjected - racism, sexism, classism - so radically contradicts our conception of how the world ought to be.
We do not only lack opportunities working on mainstream issues but also when applying for jobs that focus on Roma women. This situation puts Roma women professionals into a position where they are not able to utilize and demonstrate their expertise. Before launching the Collective, we conducted a thorough analysis of existing resources within the Roma women’s field and we recognized that there are many Roma feminist NGOs that are already doing amazing work at national and local levels.
Rather than duplicate the efforts of other Roma feminist NGOs that are already doing amazing work, we wanted to create something that was still missing within the field: a professional network/collective for Roma women experts.
By challenging the stereotypes and all the inequalities society wanted to force on us, we want to make the voices of Roma women heard, not only because of their experiences as ethnic women, their position in the society and the community, but also due to the power imbalance that cause them to be left out from local decisions, political and social life. We started the Collective, because we aim to connect with other Romani women professionals and change the world for good. When Romani sisters all over the world come together, it is possible! When there is a feminist agenda, it is possible! When we stand up for ourselves and each other, it is possible!