Milena Rejlic
Work Experience:
Milena Reljic graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis, and acquired the title of psychologist.
Starting in 2021 she was engaged in the Social and Economic Justice program at the Open Society Foundation. She dealt with topics of leadership, strategic planning, research, and public advocacy with an emphasis on creating strategies for political inclusion, leading a team of researchers in conducting relevant research, and creating policy proposals.
In the past, she has contributed to the development of initiatives aimed at the Roma community, its inclusion, and self-organization.

At the European Roma Rights Center had an opportunity to contribute with writing skills by writing articles in order to fight hate speech. Have been part of the Romani Women Leadership Academy organized by the Roma Initiative Office with the aim of empowering women in leadership positions.
Prior to joining the Foundation, she worked as a psychological assistant in high school, being a professional advisor, associate on the Human Rights Committee, and research team manager in the ORS movement, participated in and implemented UNDP initiatives, and attended seminars and conferences on the topic of marginalized groups and psychology.
Area of interest: politics, feminism, Roma and decision-making process, leadership, psychology
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